Central Nervous System Disorders

EEG, Ambulatory EEG tests and video-telemetry EEG tests, and Evoked Potential tests have an important role in the diagnosis and assessment of central nervous system disorders involving the brain and spinal cord including brain injuries, seizures, epilepsy, encephalopathy, and multiple sclerosis. Dr. Akhtar and his team of physiologists in Glasgow, Scotland, are highly trained and well experienced in the EEG and Evoked potential tests involved in the diagnosis of central nervous system disorders.

Brain Disorders and Injuries

Brain defects can be congenital. Brain dysfunction which are not congenital, hereditary can be acquired during life. Acquired brain dysfunction can result from direct trauma to the brain including Contusion and Diffuse Axonal Injury, which can occur during or after birth and later in life. Acquired brain dysfunction can also be caused by hypoxia (lack of oxygenation to the brain) or hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose levels), Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain), hydrocephalus, and so on. Acquired brain disorders can result in a changes in the brain’s neuronal activity and function of the brain.

EEG and Evoked Potentials are tests of utmost importance in the assessment of brain function in brain injury and other brain disorders. These tests record the electrical activity of the brain. Dr. Akhtar and his team of highly trained physiologists are very experienced in conducting EEG and Evoked potential tests in in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom. This helps in the diagnosis and assessment of brain function in injuries to the brain.

Seizures and Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder characterised by repeated episodes during which the activity of the brain cells becomes abnormal, causing seizures which can exhibit as periods of unusual behaviour, sensations, abnormal movements and jerking of the limbs and sometimes loss of awareness. Epilepsy can develop in anyone and affects both men and women of all ages. The symptoms of a seizure can vary widely. Epilepsy can be broadly classified into focal onset and generalised seizure disorders. Some people suffering from epilepsy can suffer from brief spells of staring blankly with loss of awareness during seizures. Others can repeatedly suffer from twitching and jerking in their legs and arms with loss of consciousness. A single seizure cannot mean you have epilepsy. Two or more unprovoked seizures can be related to the diagnosis of epilepsy.

Standard EEG, Short video EEG, Ambulatory EEG, VT EEG tests, help in the diagnosis and monitoring of various seizures and epilepsy disorders in adults and children. The tests also help in the classification of various seizure and epilepsy disorders. These tests help to detect the different types of seizures such as Absence seizures, partial seizures, generalised seizures, and various epilepsy disorders including focal epilepsy, and generalised epilepsy disorders. Dr. Akthar and his team of physiologists in Glasgow Scotland, United Kingdom are highly skilled and trained in conducting these tests, which can help in the diagnosis of such conditions.


Encephalitis refers to an inflammation of the brain. In the majority of cases, it is caused by either viral infection causes it or autoimmune i.e. immune system mistakenly attacking the brain tissue. It can lead to brain dysfunction and confusion (encephalopathy), seizures, personality changes, and other symptoms depending on severity of the condition. Conducted under Dr. Akhtar’s supervision in Glasgow, Scotland, EEG tests help in the assessment and diagnosis encephalopathy (brain dysfunction) which can be due to encephalitis (Inflammation of the brain).


The term “Encephalopathy” refers to brain dysfunction. It happens when there is a change in the way your brain works or a change in how your body affects the brain. These changes lead to an altered mental state, leaving the affected person confused and not acting normal. Encephalopathies can vary in severity and can present with a broad spectrum of symptoms, which range from mild confusion, memory loss, and subtle personality changes and in severe cases as coma.

Encephalopathy can be caused by a variety of causes including viral infections and inflammation (encephalitis), lack of oxygen (hypoxia) called hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, metabolic causes (like liver failure), trauma and many other causes.

EEG tests can help in the diagnosis and prognosis of encephalopathies. Dr. Akhtar and his team of expert physiologists are highly skilled in conducting these tests and these help in the diagnosis of encephalopathy.

Degenerative Neurologic Disorders

Degenerative neurologic disorders refer to diseases that cause progressive degeneration i.e. loss of structure and function of nerve cells. There are various Neurodegenerative disorders including Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), and various dementias including motor neuron disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease related dementias.

EEG tests can be helpful in the diagnosis of certain degenerative neurologic disorders and in particular there can be specific pattern of findings which can help in the diagnosis of conditions like Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). Dr. Akhtar in Glasgow, Scotland, and his team of physiologists are highly skilled in conduction EEG tests which helps in the diagnosis of degenerative neurologic disorders.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a condition affecting the brain and spinal cord. The immune system affects the protective sheath (myelin) that covers nerve fibres. It can cause poor communication between the brain and the rest of the body. This can lead to episodes of dysfunction which can accumulate and eventually cause permanent damage and dysfunction.

People with Multiple Sclerosis suffer a wide range of symptoms. These vary widely and depend on the amount of damage to the parts of brain and spinal cord affected. These include fatigue, numbness in their feet or legs, poor balance, muscle weakness, and poor vision and in severe and progressive cases difficulty with the ability to walk.

Visual evoked potentials can be one of the useful tests which can help in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Dr. Akthar and his team of skilled physiologists in Glasgow, Scotland have years of experience in accurately conducting these tests. These tests can help in the diagnosis of this condition, and help neurologists and multiple sclerosis specialists in the diagnosis and management of the condition.

Sleep Disorders

A group of conditions that affects sleep patterns regularly refers to sleep disorders. Sleep disorders eventually can interfere with daily life. Patients with sleeping disorders can experience feeling tired during the day, poor energy, lack of concentration, mood disturbance. Examples of sleep disorders include obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA), Narcolepsy, and idiopathic hypersomnia.

Sleep Studies including Polysomnography and Multiple sleep latency tests (MSLT) are important tests in the diagnosis of sleep disorders such as obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA), Narcolepsy, and idiopathic hypersomnia. Dr. Akhtar, is experienced in these tests. These tests are valuable in assessing the severity of the sleep disorders and helps physicians specialised in sleep disorders in the diagnosis and management of sleep disorders.