©2021 by NM Testing Service, All Rights Reserved


    1. The following terms of use form an agreement between “you”, “your” (the user(s)), NM Testing Service, (“NM Testing Service, ShafiMed and HM Medics” “we,” “us”, “our”) and mobile applications (if any) provided by NM Testing Service and its sister websites i.e. ShafiMed and HM Medics in which these Terms of Use are posted or cited. These Terms of Use along with our Privacy Policy govern your use of our services, both as a non-registered and registered user.
    2. You acknowledge that content on these websites provided by medical professionals does not create any patient-doctor relationship. And it does not endorse any diagnosis or treatment but only assists you in finding appropriate medical care from doctors or healthcare professionals.
    3. The term ‘content’ means content, text, images, graphics, videos, audios, suggestions, opinions, guidance, information, adverts, and other material available or found through NM Testing Service, ShafiMed, and HM Medics, including content provided in response to your queries or postings.
    4. NM testing cannot guarantee the availability of all or any of the listed technologists, doctors, physicians and consultants available all the time and at all sites.

Website Operator Info:

This website is operated by NM Testing Service. Its two other sister websites are ShafiMed and HM Medics. For any query about these websites you can email to: dr.naseeb92@gmail.com or write to

HM Medics, Ltd.
8 Skeffington Road,
Preston PR1 5UP, United Kingdom.

Or Call: + 44-7577-564247

Intellectual Property Rights:

  1. HM Medics Ltd is the sole and exclusive owner of the websites, including any or all patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, and other intellectual property rights of ShafiMed and NM Testing. No title or ownership of these websites and platforms or any portion is transferred to you or anyone. You agree not to remove, change or alter any copyright or proprietary notice on materials found or downloaded from these websites.
  2. The HM Medics, NM Testing Service and ShafiMed website trademarks and logos are the property of HM Medics Ltd and its websites. Any other products, services, and/or other company names accessed through these websites are owned by those third parties.
  3. All contents of the websites including this agreement are the property of HM Medics Ltd and NM Testing, ShafiMed, and HM Medics webites and are protected by proprietary rights including database rights.
  4. You can give your feedback, input, comments, or suggestions regarding HM Medics, NM Testing and Shafimed websites. You also acknowledge that HM Medics Ltd owned websites can use any suggestions without any obligation to you and you give us an irrevocable, royalty-free, transferrable license to use, reproduce, distribute, publish, edit, modify, display, perform your feedback and suggestions as we deem necessary and fit without any restraint for any commercial or non-commercial purposes.

Limitations of Use:

  1. Unauthorized copying, performing, distribution, displaying, licensing, creation, reproduction, republishing, uploading, downloading, posting, transmitting, duplicating, or using for commercial purposes all or any of the content of these websites is prohibited.
  2. You agree not to use, upload or publish any harmful, harassing, threatening, hateful, defamatory, or otherwise objectionable material of any kind on or our websites or in relation to our website(s).
  3. You must not inhibit or restrict any person from using our websites.
  4. You are not allowed to reproduce any emails in relation HM Medics, NM Testing Service and ShafiMed website tht we may send, in any form or way without the prior written consent from HM Medics Ltd.
  5. You cannot use these websites for anything other than purposes mentioned in this agreement.
  6. You cannot use spiders or any other robotic software tools to collect information from these websites; or use applications such as spyware, file, program or any other computer code that can damage or hijack the operation of any software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment of any or all of these websites.
  7. You cannot send “spamming” or “phishing” messages, or chain letters.
  8. You must retain all copyrights and/or trademarks notices on these websites when making any copy in whole or in part.
  9. You cannot use these websites to show any link or association with NM Testing, ShafiMed, and HM Medics without prior written permission. If you want to obtain permission to use the content or want to link your website to one or all these three websites, you must seek permission from HM Medics by sending an email to dr.naseeb92@gmail.com
  10. You are prohibited to reverse engineer, decompile any section or technology of our websites.
  11. You are prohibited to gain unauthorized access to our websites, uses’ accounts, personal or any other information, websites, and computers linked or connected to our websites.
  12. You cannot breach or otherwise break our security measures as well as assist any person in engaging in any or all of the prohibited activities mentioned above.

Registration & Personal Information: [if we provide registration]

  1. In case of registration, you agree to provide your personal information such as name, date of birth, and contact information and also email address and password as log in credentials. These credentials are private and confidential and you must not share them with anyone. In case your account has been compromised, notify us at: dr.naseeb92@gmail.com.
  2. To complete registration, you may be asked to provide additional information such as name, address, contact information, medical history, current medical condition, billing information, or any other information necessary to provide the best services. By giving this information you authorize us to use/share this information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. [Please see our Privacy Policy]
  3. If you, or on behalf of a third-party, fill out our Medical History Form to find the most relevant healthcare provider, you authorize us to share this information with the relevant/specific healthcare provider. You agree to review this information to ensure its accuracy on your or a third party’s behalf at the time of your appointment. By giving this information you authorize us to use/share this information in accordance with our Privacy Policy. [Please see our Privacy Policy]

Availability of Services:

  1. While HM Medics Ltd makes every effort to keep its websites available and up and running 24/7, however, HM Medics Ltd cannot guarantee the availability of all or any of the HM Medics, ShafiMed and NM testing websites at all times.
  2. While HM Medics Ltd makes every effort to keep services available 24/7, however, HM Medics Ltd cannot guarantee the availability of all or any of the listed technologists, doctors, physicians, and consultants available at HM Medics and its other sister websites i.e. ShafiMed and NM testing websites.
  3. While NM Testing Service makes every effort to keep services available 24/7, however, it cannot guarantee the availability and timing of all or any of the tests, procedures, and diagnostics available all the time at t HM Medics and its other sister websites i.e. ShafiMed and NM testing. (We are also not responsible for any canceled or unfinished appointment(s) or any harm , injury or inconvenience caused by such circumstances.)

Selection of Healthcare Professionals, Services & Tests:

  1. We are not responsible for your selection of healthcare professionals using our website(s). We strongly recommend conducting your research and/or investigation before selecting any healthcare professional listed on our websites.
  2. We put all possible efforts to ensure that all healthcare providers, including technicians, hold active legal licenses necessary to continue their practice and/or offer their services. We can exclude healthcare providers who, in our discretion, have (or are) engaged in unprofessional or inappropriate conduct or practices.
  3. We will provide you the lists/profiles of healthcare professionals who may be suitable for the services you need based on the information you provide us while searching for healthcare professionals on our website(s). The search results can also be based on past and/or frequent selections, popularity, ratings, proximity, and/or experience with the relevant healthcare professional. However, we do not endorse any healthcare provider(s); nor endorse the quality of the services any healthcare provider(s) may offer [see Disclaimer].

Patient-Doctor Relationship Shall Not Be Formed:

  1. Using the content on websites of NM Testing Service, ShafiMed, and HM Medics, no patient-doctor relationship is formed, whether such content is provided through any other communications from HM Medics, NM Testing , Shafimed websites including social media channels, blogs, emails, SMS, or links to other websites.

Responsibility of Healthcare Professionals:

If you are a healthcare professional and intend to use our websites, you agree to:

  1. Not use our services for personal purpose as a patient only
  2. Not use our services to engage directly or indirectly in any deceptive, anti-competitive, or unfair practices.

Third-Party Websites, Links, and Advertising:

  1. HM Medics, NM Testing and Shafimed websites may contain hyperlinks to the websites operated separately by third parties. These hyperlinks are for reference purposes only. We do not control these websites and are not responsible for any of their content.
  2. Any reference on NM Testing , ShafiMed, and HM Medics websites to any persons, doctors, technicians, physicians, products, services, or other websites do not imply or constitute our endorsement, favoring, or recommendation.
  3. If you wish to add a hyperlink to any or all three websites, you need to acquire written permission by sending an email to dr.naseeb92@gmail.com.
  4. We reserve the right to remove any hyperlink at any time without giving prior notice and will not be liable/obliged to give an explanation to do so. If you have any concerns about the content (or anything) of a website linked to and from HM Medics, NM Testing and Shafimed websites, please inform immediately via email to dr.naseeb92@gmail.com.
  5. We may carry advertisements or commercial promotions that link to other websites or other promotional material that we do not control in any way. We also have no control over the content, nature, and availability of those websites and services. Views expressed within those websites do not constitute our endorsement or recommendation in any way.

Not for Children:

Please do not use our websites if you are under 18 or under the applicable legal age in your jurisdiction. You can use our websites under the supervision of your parents or guardians who agree to our Terms of Use.

Changes In Terms of Use:

We reserve the right to change, alter, add or remove any clause contained in the Terms of Use, Disclaimer, and Privacy Policy at any time as we deem necessary. Upon such change, we will update the relevant section(s) on our websites. Your continued use of our websites constitutes your agreement to the use of updated Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and Disclaimer which is applicable to the user accordingly. We highly encouraged you to review all the above-mentioned sections periodically. In case you don’t agree to our Terms of Use, you must stop using our websites and services.

Termination of Services:

  1. If you don’t agree to our Terms of Use or Privacy Policy, please do not use our websites. In case of non-compliance with our Terms and Conditions, we reserve the right to terminate our services to you at any time without prior notice.
  2. In case you have concerns with our Terms and Conditions, you can share your concerns with us at dr.naseeb92@gmail.com